Information pursuant to Articles 13 and 14 of Regulation EU 2016/679 (hereinafter “GDPR”)

Privacy notice on the processing of personal data of users of the website

Information pursuant to Articles 13 and 14 of Regulation EU 2016/679 (hereinafter “GDPR”)


Luiss Business School B.V. is the Dutch entity of Luiss Business School S. p. A., the business and management school of Luiss Guido Carli University and, as the Data Controller (hereinafter also “LBS” or “Data Controller”), is committed to respecting and protecting your privacy, and ensuring that you to feel safe when browsing the website. On this page, the Data Controller provides you with information about the processing of personal data of subjects (hereinafter “Users”) who browse or consume the website.

This privacy notice is provided only for the Controller’s website and sub-domains/sections and does not apply to external websites that may be hyperlinked on the Data Controller’s website (kindly refer to these privacy notices). Copying and/or using pages, material, and information enclosed on the website is not authorized without the prior written consent of Luiss Business School. Copying and/or printing of the website content is permitted for personal and non-commercial use only (contact the Controller using the contact details below for further questions or clarifications). Other uses of the content, services, and information on this website are not permitted.

Luiss Business School B.V. will endeavor to periodically update and revise this privacy notice, without offering any warranty as to the adequacy, accuracy, or completeness of the information provided by explicitly disclaiming any liability for any errors or omissions in the information displayed on the website.

Origin – Browsing Data

Luiss Business School B.V. informs you that the personal data provided by the User when requested to share information and/or contact details, through smartphones or any other tool used to access the Internet, and so-called User’s “browsing” data of the website will be processed in compliance with regulations. The computer systems and software procedures used for the operation of this website implicitly collect personal data when using the Internet.

This information is not collected to identify the User, nonetheless by its very nature could be made possible through data processing held by the Data Controller or third parties. This category of data includes: the “IP addresses” or domain names of the computers used by users who connect to the website, the URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) notation addresses of the requested resources, the time of the request, the method to submit requests to the web server, the size of the file obtained in response, the numerical code indicating the status of the response given by the web server (successful, error, etc.), and other parameters relating to the user’s operating system and computer environment. This information is used for the sole purpose of obtaining anonymous statistical information on the use of the website, and to verify the proper functioning of the website of Please note that the aforementioned information may be used to ascertain responsibility in case of cybercrimes against the Controller’s website or other related or hyperlinked websites.

Origin – Data Provided by the User

Luiss Business School B.V. collects, stores and processes your personal information in order to provide requested information on Courses, Degree Programs, Services, Events, etc. offered by the University. Personal information will also be collected via voluntary or requested emails sent to the addresses indicated in the website sections, communications made through social network channels, and call centers to respond to requests.


By subscribing to the newsletter, you agree to receiving periodic communications and updates on your topics of interest and activities offered by the Controller via email.

These communications may allow us to collect information related to the date and time that the recipient views the messages and accesses the information related to the links included in the messages.

The purpose of collecting this information is to understand the subject’s interest, improve the quality of the communications sent, and adapt these to the subject’s needs. Please note that you can unsubscribe at any time by clicking the link at the bottom of each email.

Purpose of Processing Data and Legal Basis

Data is processed for the following purposes:

  1. creating an account and managing restricted areas of the website;
  2. strictly related and necessary to the management of contacts or information requests;
  3. for pre-contractual and contractual fulfillments related to the request to participate in courses, educational or institutional events, open days, seminars, social and or other initiatives promoted by the University that may be of interest to the User;
  4. collect information related to the User’s choices when browsing the website to send communications that align with the preferences expressed;
  5. related to the fulfillment of obligations provided by the European and/or national regulations, the protection of public order, the detection of cybercrimes as well as to comply with European and national legislation and the provisions of the Supervisory Authority;
  6. improve the quality of communications sent by LBS by identifying the User’s interest(s) in the content of newsletters and, more generally, to improve the School’s communications model.

The provision of information for the purposes outlined in points 1), 2), and 3), related to a pre-contractual and/or contractual phase or functional to a User’s request or provided for by a specific regulatory provision, is mandatory. Failure to do so it will not be possible to receive information and access any services requested. With regards to point 4), the legal basis is the User’s consent. Regarding point 5), the legal basis of such processing is the legal obligation, and for point 6), the legal basis is the legitimate interest of the Controller to improve the quality of its communications. LBS may send promotional communications relating to products and/or services similar to those already provided, pursuant to article 130 c. 4 of Legislative Decree 196/03 (hereinafter the “Code”), using the email provided by the User on such occasions to which they may object in the manner and at the contact details indicated in the Rights of Data Subjects section.

Methods of Data Processing, Storage Times, and Security Measures

Information processes are executed by electronic or automated means and are carried out by the Data Controller and/or third parties that the latter may use to store, manage, and share the data. Information processing will be carried out for the organization and processing of the User’s personal data, also related to the records originated from the access and use of the services made available via the website, content and services used related to the purposes indicated above and, in any case, in such a way as to guarantee the security and confidentiality of the data.

The Data Controller stores the data subject’s personal information for a period of time according to the law (e.g., 10 years from the termination for data originating a contractual relationship, until the User unsubscribes to the newsletter, 12 months for the data processed for profiling activities, normally maximum 30 days in relation to browsing data that is collected for the operation and maintenance of the website).

In accordance with Article 33 of the GDPR ensuring the security and protection of personal information, the User is advised to promptly report to LBS any incidents that may result in a potential data breach in order to conduct immediate investigation and action to counter the data breach, by contacting


Cookies are small text files created by a web server while a User is browsing a website, stored on a User’s computer (smartphones/tablets or other devices used to surf the Internet), and then transmitted to the website the next time the same User visits. A cookie cannot retrieve any other data from the User’s hard-drive or transmit computer viruses or acquire email addresses. Each cookie is unique to the User’s web browser and device used to surf the Controller’s website. Generally, cookies, including “pixel and/or web-bacon”, may be necessary to improve the operation of the website and the User’s experience in consuming the website content and using its services. These cookies allow us to monitor how Users use the website which helps to conduct investigations, improve operations, and create content that is tailored to the User’s needs and preferences.

For example, analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website and provide information on metrics such as traffic source (e.g., most and least frequently visited pages), number of visitors, average time spent on the website, and how visitors arrive on the website. In this way, it is possible to determine what works best, what content is most liked, and how the content and functionality of the pages can be improved. To investigate how our visitors use the website, we employ services offered by Third Parties to collect, aggregate, and analyze data. These cookies have a limited lifespan. Collected information is used by the Data Controller in aggregate and/or anonymous form, e.g., to monitor and analyze the use of the website, improve its functionality, and more accurately choose the content and layout to meet Users’ needs. In any case, if for any reason you prefer that these specific cookies are disactivated, Google provides a free opt-out add-on that can be installed on major browsers (see You can visit the “All about cookies” website for further information on cookies and how those work. If you wish to block or delete cookies from the website, you can do so by changing your browser settings. We remind you that if you choose to disable all cookies, the necessary, functional, and performance cookies will also be blocked which may cause inconveniences when browsing the website. For example, you can visit the public pages of the website, however you may not have access to restricted areas.

Read about Cookies used by the website on the cookies policy

Interacting with social media networks and external platforms

Through widgets and buttons, the website may be hyperlinked to external platforms and social media networks. In this case, the collected information depends on the profile settings of the User on each social media platform and not on this website’s admin, especially if the User has their profile open on these platforms. Links to Facebook®, YouTube®, LinkedIn®, Instagram®, Twitter®, LiveChat®, TikTok® (and links to other social media platforms that may be introduced over time) allow you to interact with LBS pages present in social media to share ideas, opinions and topics on the website, and may result in the collection of User data. Please note that you may post on the content published on LBS social media channels. Before interacting with such areas, carefully read the Terms of Use of the social media platform and note that under certain circumstances, the information you post may be viewed by anyone and any information you include in your posts may be viewed, collected, and used by third parties. Further information can be acquired from the service providers’ websites. Please note that when browsing these websites, your personal information is not managed by LBS and whose intervention is limited to making the link available using buttons on its website.

Areas of Communication and Transfer of Data.

For the abovementioned purposes, Luiss Business School B.V. may share with and have Users’ personal information processed, in the Netherlands and abroad, by third parties with whom it has an agreement, where these third parties collaborate or provide services at our request. We will only provide these third parties with the information necessary to perform the requested services by taking all measures to protect personal information. Data may be transferred outside the European Economic Area if this is necessary for the management of your contractual relationship or to provide you with a service you have requested. In this case, protection and security obligations equivalent to those guaranteed by the Controller will be imposed on the recipients of the data and in any case in compliance with the requirements of Chapter V of the GDPR. In the case of using services offered directly by Partners, we will only provide data that is strictly necessary for performance. In any case, required data only will be shared and the warranty applicable to data transfers to third countries will be applied where required. In addition, personal information may be shared with the public authorities to comply with regulatory obligations or for the ascertainment of responsibility in case of cybercrimes against the website as well as third parties (as managers or, where they are providers of electronic communication services, independent holders) providing computer services (e.g., hosting services, website management and development) which LBS uses to perform tasks and activities for the functioning of the website.

Subjects belonging to the abovementioned categories operate as separate Data Controllers or as Data Processors appointed for this purpose by the Controller pursuant to Section 28 of the GDPR. In addition, personal information may be processed by employees/consultants and those who collaborate with LBS who, having been authorized, are specially instructed and appointed as Data Processors pursuant to Section 29 of the GDPR and Section 2 quaterdecies of the Italian Data Protection Code.

Rights of Data Subjects

In the definition of the GDPR, Users or Data Subjects are granted the rights set forth in Articles 15 to 22 of the GDPR. In particular, the Data Subject has the right at any time to withdraw consent to the processing of data, to request its rectification, updating, transformation into anonymous form, to limit even partially its use, to request its portability, where applicable to the processing carried out by the Controller, and its possible deletion as well as not to be subjected to a fully automated decision, including profiling. The rights are exercisable to the extent that the processing is not mandatory by provisions of law or regulation.

In addition, the Data Subject may submit a complaint to the Supervisory Authority pursuant to Article 77 of the GDPR.

If the Data Subject wishes to exercise the rights recognized by the law, they must send an email at or write to the Controller, Luiss Business School, ref. Privacy – DPO, at Nieuwe Herengracht 103, 1011 RZ, Amsterdam specifying their request and providing the information necessary for the identification of the petitioner.

Data Controller and Data Protection Officer.

The Data Controller is Luiss Business School B.V., Nieuwe Herengracht 103, 1011 RZ, Amsterdam.

The references of the Data Protection Officer (RPD or Data Protection Officer, DPO) are mentioned in the above paragraph.

The User’s Use of the Website, including via tablets and/or smartphones, implies full knowledge and acceptance of the content and any indications included in this version of the policy published by the Controller at the time the website is accessed. LBS warns that this policy may be modified without notice and therefore, recommends it is consumed periodically.

This privacy notice is updated as of October 2022.



Privacy notice on the use of cookies for website users.

This Cookie Policy outlines the methods and purpose of cookies and processing of information of personal data, carried out by Luiss Business School B.V. (hereinafter also “LBS” or “Controller”), committed to respecting and protecting your privacy and ensuring that you to feel safe when browsing the website. On this page, the Controller provides you with information about the processing of personal data of subjects (hereinafter “Users”) who visit, browse or consume the website, (hereinafter the “Website”) to Articles 13 and 14 of Regulation EU 2016/679 (hereinafter the “GDPR”), Legislative Decree 196/03, the “Guidelines 5/2020 on Consent” adopted by the European Data Protection Board, the requirements of Provision 229/2014 as updated by the Guidelines on Cookies published in July 2021 by the Italian Data Protection Authority.

You will also find here information about your rights and how to make your choices regarding cookies, ensuring that we meet your needs. Data processing carried out by Luiss Business School B.V. will be guided by the principles of transparency, fairness, lawfulness, and necessity (see the Privacy Notice of the website by clicking the link:

What are cookies

The cookie is a small text file containing a certain amount of information exchanged between a website and your terminal (usually the browser), and is normally used by the website manager to store the information necessary to improve the navigation within the website or to send advertisements that align with the preferences expressed by the user in the context of web browsing. When you visit the same website or any other website again, the user’s device checks for the presence of a recognized cookie, so that you can read the information contained in it. Different cookies contain different information and are used for different purposes (efficient navigation on the pages of the same website, profiling in order to send targeted promotional messages, analysis on website traffic).

During the navigation, the user may also receive on their terminal cookies sent from different websites or web servers (c.d. third parties), on which may reside certain elements (e.g., images, maps, sounds, specific links to pages of other domains) present on the website that the user is visiting.

More generally, some cookies (called session cookies) are assigned to the user’s device only for the duration of access to the website and automatically expire when the browser is closed. Other cookies (defined as persistent) remain on the device for an extended period of time.

Please note that the Website Controller must use technical cookies to supply its online services. If you disable cookies for technical purposes, some functions of the website may not work properly, some of the services may be unavailable or will be supplied as requested.

The specific purpose of the different types of cookies installed on this website are described below.

Features and purposes of cookies installed by the website

Navigation technical cookies (do not require consent)

These are cookies that guarantee normal browsing and use of the website. For example, navigation technical cookies are used for user login functionality or to adapt the display to the features of the user’s device. These are mainly provided by the Controller’s servers or, in the case of the integration of external services, such as social network platforms, by third parties.

First Party Trackers

Storage duration

_gat_UA-391482-1: 1 hour

_gat_UA-391482-3: 1 hour

Analytical cookies (if pseudo-anonymized do not require consent)

The purpose of analytical cookies is to assess aggregated data related to the usage of the website, what parts of the website users visit, and how long they stay on the website for. This activity is carried out without comparing the data with other sources and in aggregate form of the data with the purpose of statistics management. These cookies collect information about how user navigate and interact with the website and are not used to identify the user’s identity. You will find below the names of the third parties that manage the cookies, as well as the link to the pages where you can consume information for the treatment of data. The website adopts the features of Google Analytics (for further information, click on the link: and Microsoft Clarity (

Navigation technical cookies used on

The website uses the following technical cookies, each of which has a specific function and/or purpose, the period of time for cookie consent validity, and source whether proprietary or third party. A privacy policy will apply for cookies sourced from third party:

Google Analytics (Google Ireland Limited)

Google Analytics is a web analytics service provided by Google Ireland Limited (“Google”). Google uses the Personal Data collected for the purpose of tracking and examining the use of this Website, compiling reports and sharing them with other services developed by Google.

Google may use the Personal Data to contextualize and personalize the ads of its advertising network.

Personal Data processed: Cookies and Usage Data.

Place of processing: Ireland – Privacy Policy – ​​Opt Out.

Storage Duration:

  • AMP_TOKEN: 1 hour
  • _ga: 2 years
  • _gac*: 3 months
  • _gat: 1 minute
  • _gid: 1 day

Google Ads conversion tracking (Google Ireland Limited)

Google Ads conversion tracking is a statistics service provided by Google Ireland Limited that connects data from the Google Ads advertising network with actions performed on this Website.

Personal Data processed: Cookies and Usage Data.

Place of processing: Ireland – Privacy Policy.

Storage Duration:

  • FDI: 2 years
  • test_cookie: 15 minutes

LinkedIn Conversion Tracking (LinkedIn Insight Tag) (LinkedIn Corporation)

LinkedIn conversion tracking (LinkedIn Insight Tag) is a statistics and behavioral targeting service provided by LinkedIn Corporation that connects data from the LinkedIn advertising network with actions performed on this Website.

LinkedIn Conversion Tracking (LinkedIn Insight Tag) (LinkedIn Corporation)

LinkedIn conversion tracking (LinkedIn Insight Tag) is a statistics and behavioral targeting service provided by LinkedIn Corporation that connects data from the LinkedIn advertising network with actions performed on this Website.

The LinkedIn Insight Tag tracks conversions that can be attributed to LinkedIn ads and allows you to target groups of Users based on their previous use of this Website.

Users can opt-out of behavioral advertising features through their device settings, their LinkedIn account settings or by visiting the AdChoices opt-out page.

Personal Data processed: Usage data, device information and Tracker.

Place of processing: United States – Privacy Policy.

Storage Duration:

  • AnalyticsSyncHistory: 1 month
  • JSESSIONID: duration of the session
  • UserMatchHistory: 1 month
  • bcookies: 1 year
  • bscookie: 1 year
  • lang: duration of the session
  • lidc: 1 day
  • lms_ads: 1 month
  • lms_analytics: 1 month

Meta Events Manager (Meta Platforms Ireland Limited)

Meta Events Manager is a statistics service provided by Meta Platforms Ireland Limited. By integrating the Meta pixel, Meta Events Manager can provide the Owner with information on traffic and interactions on this Website.

Personal Data processed: Usage Data and Tracking Tools.

Place of processing: Ireland – Privacy Policy.

Storage Duration:

  • _fbp: 3 months

Technical cookies used on

The Site uses the following technical cookies, for each of which it is indicated, in addition to the specific function and purpose, the period of validity of the cookies and the source, proprietary or third party; for the latter there is also a link to the privacy policy of the respective website.

Profiling cookies (request consent):

Profiling cookies are used to create user profiles in order to send advertising messages that align with the preferences manifested by the user within the pages of the website. They can be delivered by our servers or through our website by third parties. Companies that offer or advertise their products through this website may assign cookies to users’ terminals. The categories of cookies used and the type of personal data processing by these companies are regulated in accordance with the information made by these companies. All cookies other than those indicated above are installed or activated only following consent given by the user when visiting the website for the first time. Consent may be expressed in a general way, by interacting with the banner of this brief information on the landing page of the website, as specified in this banner or it can be given in the manner described below. This consensus is tracked during the visits, and the mode described is also used for the management of consent of cookies managed through the Consent Management Platform (CMP)of Iubenda ( The banner may reappear through which the user can change their choices. In any case, they may always revoke all or part of the consent already expressed by using the link at the footer of the website or through the link below.

– Third-party cookies retargeting

Third party cookies are installed through this website and are used for ad retargeting and behavioral advertising. You can find information about the third parties and links to their privacy notices.

Click the to accept or deny cookies:

Cookie settings.

Managing cookie preferences through the browser

Submit your choices by changing your browser settings. If you do not know the type and version of the browser you are using, click on “Help” in the browser window at the top to find the required information. If you know the browser you are using, click on the link of your corresponding browser to access the cookie management page.

Microsoft Edge
Internet Explorer
Google Chrome
Mozilla Firefox
Safari 6/7 Mavericks
Safari 8 Yosemite

Please be advised that Luiss Business School B.V. uses technical cookies to store your cookie preferences. If you disable all cookies via your browser, as described above, you will also disable this technical cookie and you will be required to resubmit your preferences. This also applies if you use another device or browser.

You can find more information at, bringing together digital advertising professionals in the European Digital Advertising Alliance (EDAA). The companies registered on this platform allow you to disable or accept cookies used by them to tailor the advertisements that are displayed on your terminal to your browsing information.

Nature of data provision and consequences of any refusal

Please note that the user can disable all types of cookies mentioned in this Cookie Policy Notice. If you disable some or all technical cookies (for which consent is not required), some functions of the website may not work properly, some of the services may be unavailable or will not be supplied as requested. If you revoke your consent to the use of some or all types of non-technical cookies by disabling them, this will not affect the operation the functioning of the website and the provision of services. It will prevent the collection of information and its use for the purposes specified above and, Luiss Business School B.V. may not be able to send you promotional messages about its products and services that are more suited to your needs and preferences.

Third-party websites.

Third party sites that can be accessed through this website are not covered by this policy. The Controller disclaims any responsibility for them. The categories of cookies used and the type of processing of personal data by these companies are regulated in accordance with the company’s policies.

Further information about the processing of personal data carried out on this website.

Please refer to the policy available at for further information on the processing of personal data collected on this website carried out by the Controller.

Notice updated as of October 2022.